Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Job ahoy!

I had a fun, fun day.  I spent it at an employment office. Woo hooo!!!

Part of the reason I was ready to leave Jakarta was an opportunity here at home.  My mom is working in the medical records field and thought I'd love it.  It's a rapidly growing field due in part to a federal mandate that requires all hospitals and clinics to be using an electronic patient records program by 2014.  There's federal funding paying for some of it and the program I'll be learning is the biggest, most well known company in the US. Many of the trainers they're hiring on have education experience.  Its been shown that many IT folks aren't so user-friendly and teachers make more effective trainers.

I waited around and finally got a phone interview scheduled.  It was a piece of cake and I felt really good about it.  Then I had to submit a one to two page writing sample and a one minute demonstration video.  I sent in two pages from the science book I created for JIKS and sent in a video of how to separate an egg. Last Friday from someone at the hospital called asking if I was still interested in the job and offering me the position. YIPPPEEEEEE!!!

If only it were that easy.  Most of the applicants were not located here locally. They were already on with Kelly Services, a contracting company.  I am one of only two who've gone about getting the job backward.  I knew someone in the hospital, had the interview, got the job and then had to get hired by the contractors. That's what I did today.  In between the offer and today was a lot of confusion.  The communication between Kelly and the hospital probably isn't the best anyway but add in a medical emergency, lay-offs and vacations it's a shock I got the right information at all. Round and round, then I got in to the office today.  Lots of papers and signatures and I'm officially on with Kelly but I didn't see a contract specifically for my position.  Hmmmm.  Keep those fingers crossed for me folks.

That said, I'm set to start Monday! I am once again a productive member of society contributing to my own survival as well as the greater good. Updates to follow!

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